Providing Businesses With Clear Concise Metrics For Fact Based Decisions.

MIST is built for faster access to the data necessary to gain meaningful insight into financial and operational forecasting & performance across multiple subsidiaries, departments and teams.

Trusted by forward-thinking companies


Data to Enrich your

Disinterring Your WorkForce Data for Fact-based Business Decision Making.

Job Costing

Allocate the variance to the accounts for finished goods, work-in-process, and cost of goods sold, based on the ending balances in these accounts.

Labor Load

Costs, including wages and benefits, associated with the hiring and employment of personnel assigned to a process.

Financial Forecasting

Headcount and operational data, quickly and easily produce budgets and forecasts


Company information put into a simple readable format to help reduce complex information for faster easier decision making.


High level Scheduling for overall company workload showing opening available for your sales team.

Detailed Reporting

Streamline reporting processes and improve communications with a library of customizable reports built on a single source of financial and operational information.

Crew Calendars

High level view showing what project and the phase of the project each crew is working on.

Efficiency Tracking

Get better insight to your weak and strong areas inside your business. From crew or departments to divisions or location.
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